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[WINTER] Shofu Ceramic Technique System Kit HP

The comprehensive kit is designed to provide dental technicians with the right abrasive instruments for their precision work. For adjusting, gross reduction, trimming, finishing and polishing of metal-ceramic restorations.

1 Kit

  • - High quality abrasive instruments have been specially selected and organized into two separate stands for Metal Treatment and Porcelain Finishing / polishing.
    - Handy tool for beginners as well as experienced dental ceramists for finishing and polishing porcelain fused to metal and porcelain restorations.
  • The Kit contains:

    Metal Treatment (Box 1):

    - Brown Points x 3 (No. 47, 20, 10)
    - Unmounted Cutting Disks x 5 (25 mm), HP Mandrel x 1
    - Polishing for metal surface: 3 pcs each Brownie, Greenie Points (No. WH6, PC2, KN7)

    Porcelain Finishing (Box 2) – Contouring & Finishing of porcelain
    - Fine Diamond Points x 3 (No. F5R, F4R, F16)
    - Dura-Green Points x 5 (No. WH6, TC4, KN7, IC3, TC1)
    - 1 pc Ultra Thin Diamond Disk (62UTD)
    - Separate Discs x 5 (0.25 mm thickness & 22 mm diameter)
    - 1 pc HP Mandrel
    - Porcelain Polishing: Soft Cut x 1 PA (No. WH6), Soft Cut x 2 PB (No. WH6, PC2)