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[3MQ4] 3M™ RelyX™ Ultimate Adhesive Resin Cement Trial Kit

3M™ RelyX™ Ultimate is an innovative dual cure, adhesive resin cement from 3M. The cement was developed with the specific needs of glass ceramic cementation in mind. RelyX™ Ultimate ensures uncompromising results by offering ultimate bond strength in a simplified procedure.

1 x 1.5ml bottle Scotchbond Universal Adbesive
1 x 3ml Etchant Syringe
25 x Dispensing Tips for Etchant Syringe
50 x Microbrushes
1 x 8.5g Syringe Cement a Shade Translucent
10 x Mixing Tips (regular)
5 x Mixing Tips (wide)
5 x Intra-Oral Tips
Technique Guide
Instructions For Use

  • - Delivered in the preferred Automix Syringe for easier handling
    - Particularly suited for glass ceramic and resin nano ceramic restorations
    - High bonding performance
    - Modern initiator technology, free of aromatic amine components
    - The lowest discoloration after incubation in coffee solution
    - High wear resistance and tooth-like fluorescence
    - Tooth-like fluorescence
    - Fewer components, greater ease-of-use
    - Optimized for a high wear resistance and marginal integrity
    - Choice of either self-etch or total etch
    - Integrated dark-cure activator
    - Easier handling
    - Less risk of errors
  • Cure Type: Dual Cure

    Delivery System: Automix Syringe

    Material: Adhesive Resin
